Minutes of the KHLG Ltd Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
KHLG Clubhouse, Sunday 12 March 2023 at 10.30 am
Key dates:
 Notice of AGM issued to members on 23 February 2023 at 12:50 via email
 Deadline for nominations: 6:00 pm on 1 March 2023
 Deadline for submission of a motion: 10:00 am on 11 March 2023
Chairperson: Korehan Dora (KD) plot 39;
Treasurer: Reg Wickings (RW) plot 36b;
Minute taker: Simon Harth (SH) plot 11b1;
Committee members: Saeed Kanuga (SK) plot 31a; John Sissons (JS) plot 55a; Antoni Pogorzelski
(AP) plot 32a; Martin Spatcher (MS) plot 62a
Members: [

Heather Mallinder (HM);
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) was commenced at 10:38am. As a total of 28 members were
present, a quorum of 40 members was not met and the AGM declared inquorate. The AGM was
therefore closed and an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) commenced with an attendance
greater than the required quorum of 25.
1. Welcome from the Chair:
a. KD thanked attendees for attending, introduced the committee and expressed
apologies on behalf of HM.
b. KD welcomed attendees to first AGM/EGM since COVID and specifically thanked
volunteers, especially during COVID and expressed the necessity of volunteering to
keep the site running.
c. KD explained that full board was put forward for election, but nobody was nominated.
d. KD thanked committee members, particularly Reg for undertaking Treasurer role (as
well as many aspects of Secretary). Particular thanks for completing paperwork and
legal side of converting KHLGA to KHLG Ltd, one of 46 within BALGL umbrella to
have a new 20-year lease, helping safeguard the future of our site.
e. KD announced that the Committee are seeking a secretary to join the committee.
f. KD introduced Sean Cameron (SC) who introduced himself and outlined his past
experience as a Secretary of another allotment site. Expressed importance of a
limited duration on committee positions.
2. Presentation of the accounts from 2021 & 2022:
a. RW presented the 2021 Treasurer’s Report (made available to all attendees in paper
i. The bank account and cash balances at the beginning of the year totaled
£12,345.45 and £16,448.24 at the close of the year. The surplus for the year
was £4,103.24

ii. The Company assets were £ 17,366.45 which includes shop stock and
equipment valuation of £5,021
iii. Significant expenditure. Fencing for Yard £637.70: Rebuild
Clubhouse Porch and Associated repairs £1,175: Material for Electrical
Circuit Upgrade £2,278.51: Defibrillator £1,166.75
iv. We appointed a financial advisor, Davanti to produce a set of
accounts for filing at Companies House and who were able to deal with
HMRC and to establish that we were not subject to Corporation Tax.
v. Under Company House rules, as a “micro entity” we are not required to “audit
“our accounts. A full set of accounts is still produced and are subject to an
internal “examination” (we can no longer use the term Audit). and Tony
Chase and Richard Mildenhall have examined the 2021 accounts, with no
major problems identified. Both Tony Chase and Richard Mildenhall have
agreed to stay on as internal examiners for the coming year.
vi. We had no open days in 2021 but plant sales to plot holders raised
vii. The shop made a deficit of £59.73
viii. The shop is run by a consortium of committee members. The
opening hours have been maintained at 10 till 1 on Sundays. The profit
margins for the shop are maintained at a rate of around 10%, this small
margin is intended to cover any losses incurred during the year.
ix. As in past years, the cost of site maintenance works £5,793.92 would
be higher if we were not fortunate enough in having members who donate
their labor free of charge and to whom we all owe our thanks.
x. Our bill for water rates was £402.47
b. RW presented the 2022 Treasurer’s Report as a draft (made available to all
attendees in paper format):
i. The 2022 balance sheet is being presented as a draft because of my
difficulties in producing it this year. I had made errors which I for the most
part have corrected, but still, have £196.42 of income unaccounted for. My
memory is poor and I am finding it difficult to concentrate so don’t feel I can
continue as treasurer for much longer. With your approval I will arrange for
the figures to be examined (audited) and present them to the board for
approval so that they can be sent to Companies House.
ii. 2022 The bank account and cash balances at the beginning of the year
totalled £12,345.45 and £ 17,023 at the close of the year. The surplus for the
year was £ 4,675
iii. The Company  was £21,560.30 which includes shop stock and
equipment valuation of £ 4,536.50. I have presented the figures under one
heading as there seemed little point in identifying money that we “Notionally
held for non-association business “which was there to identify the amount of
unspent rent we would have to pay back to Bromley Council if we were
wound up. Under the Company we are not allowed to benefit financially from
the operation of the company so all of our assets would anyway revert to the
council or be distributed via BALGL
iv. Significant expenditure included in Committee Expenses: New Dell
laptops purchased for Chairman, Treasurer, and Secretary, and printer for the

Secretary total £1,816 as a decision made that committee officer should no
longer use their personal computers for company business.
v. Under Company House rules, as a “micro entity” we are not required to “audit
“our accounts. A full set of accounts is still produced and are subject to an
internal “examination” (we can no longer use the term Audit) and Tony Chase
and Richard Mildenhall have examined the 2021 accounts, with no major
problems identified. Both Tony Chase and Richard Mildenhall have agreed
to stay on as internal examiners for this and the coming year.
vi. Our past surpluses on the site account have largely been generated from
our open days. During the pandemic, we were unable to hold Open Days
which resulted in the 2021 deficit of £4,389
vii. The 2022 Open Days, the first since the Pandemic was declared,
were very successful bringing in an income of £ 5,409.86 for 2022. Our
thanks are due to all the volunteers and performers who made the events
viii. The shop made a surplus of £313.16. The shop is run by a
consortium of committee members. The opening hours have been
maintained from 10 till 1.00 pm on Sundays. The profit margins for the shop are
maintained at a rate of around 10%, this small margin is intended to cover
any losses incurred during the year.
ix. As in past years, the cost of site maintenance works £ 1985.40 would
be higher if we were not fortunate enough in having members who donate
their labor free of charge and to whom we all owe our thanks. Communal
x. Our bill for water rates was £925.67. I have submitted meter readings that
show our low use in the Winter but any from Castle Water will probably be
quickly consumed as I am expecting a rise in water costs in the current year
c. RW highlighted the low cost of site maintenance thanks to the majority of labor
being provided on a voluntary basis by members.
d. RW expressed a requirement for a replacement Treasurer and the Committee agreed
to prepare and share a role description with members.
e. RW made a special thanks to the three people who keep the toilets and club-house
3. Motions:
a. Motion to adopt an amended constitution:
i. RW presented the proposed changes to the KHLG Ltd Aims, Objectives,
Rules and Constitution and a paper copy with tracked proposed changes were
made available to all attendees.
ii. A majority of 23 attendees voted in favor of adopting this motion so the
the motion was passed.

b. Motion to allow dogs on leads to attend on owner’s plot – Proposed by MS seconded
by JS
i. MS outlined the case and a discussion was held with attendees
ii. A minority of 3 voted in favor of adopting this motion so the motion was not

c. Motion to allow the erecting of polytunnels on plots and agree maximum size.
Proposed by RW and seconded by MS
i. RW outlined the case for allowing polytunnels on-site and a discussion was held with
ii. A minority of 4 voted in favor of adopting this motion so the motion was not

4. Confirmation of the Officers of the Board and Committee Members:
a. KD confirmed that there were no nominations received for positions on the
i. All attendees agreed to existing Committee members remaining in position

5. Confirmation of Accountants and Auditors:
a. RW confirmed that Tony Chase and Richard Mildenhall have agreed to remain as
account examiners.

6. Budget contingencies – site and machinery maintenance:
a. RW presented a budget for 2023, forecasting costs for normal operation and
maintenance of the site, which includes an increased allowance for electricity. A
paper copy was made available to all attendees.

Expenditure £ Income £
Clubhouse maintenance, equipment, etc 850.00 Rents inc rates 5,700
Committee Expenses 1,200.00 Open Day 7,000
Electricity 2,000.00 Petrol, Machine Hire 200
Open day 600.00 Shop Takings 2,300
Rents etc. 500.00 Donations 200
Shop Stores 2,100.00
Site Maintenance & Security 3,800.00
Subscriptions 450.00
Site rent 300.00
Water rates 1,400.00
Machinery 600
TOTAL: 13,800.00 15,400

Surplus 1,600

7. Rent setting agreement:
a. RW confirmed that there would be no increase in rents due to the cost-of-living crisis and
sufficient financial reserves. This will be reviewed again next year

8. AOB:
a. KD confirmed email addresses for any members not receiving communications will be
checked. Requested to contact RW.
b. Thanks were made to Amanda for setting up the community WhatsApp group.
c. FB raised that the site map doesn’t always represent site splits. The map on the website may
be out of date.
d. MS confirmed that most communal open days will be held on the second Sunday of the
month, subject to change depending on special events such as the coronation.
e. Committee agreed that further first aid and defibrillator training could be arranged
f. PD asked if we could encourage people to buy water butts to reduce the use of mains
water. Committee agreed to consider stocking the shop.
g. PF asked if we have made any charitable donations and RW confirmed we had
donated £314 to the Trussell Trust.
h. GM offered to help with data security
i. LB expressed thanks to MS for his continuing work to prepare plants for sale
j. SC thanked the committee for their voluntary work

Meeting closed: 12:06



Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting,
Sunday 20th October 2019 at 11.00 a.m.

Chairman         Korehan Dora  39
Treasurer         Reg Wickings 39b
Committee Members
Korehan Dora 39, Reg Wickings 36B, Anton Pogorzelski 32A, Saeed Kanuga 31a,
Heather Mallinder, David Pipe 50b, John Sissons 55a, Martin Spatcher 62a

*33 Plotholders attended

Following the attendance count and there being more than 25 plotholders present,
the EGM commenced at 11.05 a.m.

IN ATTENDANCE: *Apart from Committee Members, Attendees and Apologies are removed from the Internet copy for reasons of privacy.  Full copy available to plotholders on request.

In his opening welcome, KD thanked the attendees for their presence and outlined the purpose of the meeting.
He explained that Bromley will not be able to renew the site lease unless the Association becomes a recognised Legal Entity.
The alternatives, as suggested BALGF, have been for the Association to become a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) or a Cooperative.

KD then asked RW to explain the Committee’s decision to select the CLG option.

RW explained that the Allotment must become a Legal Entity in order to sign the new site lease when it becomes available.
While both CLG and Cooperative are viable options, the Cooperative is more complex and requires more administration.
As the Bromley Council solicitors have recommended CLG and now have 3 sites using this option, the KHLGA committee has unanimously agreed to adopt this model.
Plotholders should be aware that, as Association members, they are not currently protected against legal action taken against the site.
Under the CLG option, all plot holders will become Shareholders with a £1.00
maximum liability.
Associate members will become “Garden Members”.
It should be noted that in any poll only the plot holder can vote.
There will be 4 to 8 directors, who are not necessarily members of the Management Committee.
No Company Secretary is required.
The Company Accounts will not be audited and only minimum details would be required.
However, the advice is to continue to have full accounts.
As a CLG a Registered Office is required, the Committee has decided to appoint Thackray Williams (Bromley) as the Registered Office for the CLG.
RW said that he was hopeful that, as the Articles of Association have been examined and the advice from BALGF distributed, the meeting would accept a motion to wind up KHLGA and to become a CLG, in order to continue with a new lease when the current lease expires.

KD then called for acceptance of the proposal to adopt the CLG model.
The meeting agreed with 32 in favor and one abstention.

KD thanked those present for their attendance and declared the EGM closed at 11.31


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Sunday 7th April 2019 at 10.00 a.m.

Chairman         Korehan Dora  39

Treasurer         Reg Wickings 39b

Committee Members

Les Bateson 30, Saeed Kanuga 31a, David Pipe 50b, John Sissons 55a, Martin Spatcher 62a, John Wetherell 86

The meeting was inquorate at 10.00 and was closed.

There being more than 25 present an EGM was convened commencing at 10.15 a.m.

IN ATTENDANCE: *Attendees and Apologies removed from Internet copy for reasons of privacy.  Full copy available to plot holders on request.

  1. Apologies; were received from *
  2. Korehan Dora – Chair Welcomed those attending the meeting, and requested a moment’s silence to mark missing friends.
  3. Chair’s opening remarks KD thanked members of the Committee for their work throughout what at times had proved to be a challenging year.

He thanked the volunteers for their continued support and reminded members of their agreement to provide 10 hours a year of voluntary work on the site.

He noted a number of projects that had been undertaken by volunteers for the benefit of the site.

The new roofing for the clubhouse, the refurbished and augmented water supply, the installation of new cookers in the clubhouse, and the gating of the ‘yard’ as a secure area for recyclable waste.

He reminded the meeting that a change had to be made in the site lease as the current lease would expire in 2021.

  1. Minutes of the meeting held Sunday 8th April 2018, was AGREED to be a correct record of the proceedings.
  2. Matters arising from the Minutes As noted the site lease would expire in 2021 and the form of the organization would change at or before the 2021 deadline.

John Wetherell Noted an error in the 2017 minutes that showed an incorrect shop surplus of 10%.


  1. Auditors report on accounts The Accounts as presented were agreed as correct by the Auditor.
  1. Secretary’s report N/A KD noted the need for a secretary. At present the secretarial tasks are being carried out by KD and RW. It was suggested that the work involved would amount to no more than 2-3 hours per week.
  1. Treasurer’s report for the 2018 financial year

The bank account and cash balances at the beginning of the year totaled £ 20935.54 and £21232.74 at the close of the year. The surplus for the year was £ 297.20

The Associations net worth was £20492 including shop stock and equipment valuation of £5124.50 and with an additional £5865 notionally held for non-association business

Tony Chase and Richard Mildenhall have audited the accounts, with no major problems identified. Both Tony Chase and Richard Mildenhall have agreed to stay on as auditors for the coming year.

Our surplus on the site account largely accrues from our Open Day  which was very successful bringing in an income of £3392.87

and a charitable donation totaling £761.10 is being held for DRUMBEAT a charity working with autistic children who have plots on the site. The autumn open day was hosted by Bromley Bee Keepers with Ann Schuman and Ross and their Pancake Stall. The beekeepers made a contribution of £30 from the sales of honey.   Our thanks are due to all the volunteers who made the events possible.

The shop made a surplus of £313.46. The shop is run by a consortium of 4 plot holders. The opening hours have been maintained at 10 till 1 on Sundays and the shop is often open during the week. The profit margins are maintained at a rate of around 10%, this small margin is intended to cover any losses incurred during the year. John Wetherell manages the shop

As in past years, the cost of site maintenance works £3929.60  would be very much higher if we were not fortunate enough in having members who donate their labor free of charge and to whom we all owe our thanks.

Significant items of expenditure during the year were £814.57 for the taking up and replacing water supply pipe under the main central path running the length of the site and installing new connections to the taps on this run of pipework. £487.84 for the erection of a gate and fence to stop dumping in the Yard area. £2007.30 for the purchase of a mower, wheeled strimmer, an ordinary strimmer, and a shredder /chipper.

The cost of the replacement of the clubhouse roof works. £ 2488.03 was not charged to the Site Maintenance account. The auditor suggested that given the use of the building, which included the shop,  we might consider allocating between 40 % to 60% of the cost of roof repairs to the site maintenance account and this adjustment could be carried out in the new year

Our bill for water rates was £1492 which includes a bill for the Winter period. I have submitted meter readings that show our low use in the Winter and expect further credit from Castle Water.  The credit of £3200 mentioned in my last report was finally paid. A number of Associations are still having problems with overbilling and this seems to be stem in part from the lack of understanding by Castle Water of the seasonal nature of water use on allotments

Reg Wickings Treasurer KLHGA


RW  reiterated the need for volunteer help on the site on the workdays (2nd Sunday of each month) and reminded the meeting of the work done by the Tuesday Group of friends who undertake various tasks including looking after the Peter Springall Memorial Garden, the orchard and picnic areas.

In addition to the £2488 spent on repairing the Clubhouse roof, £814 had been spent on renewing the water supply along the main pathway and £487 on the gate to the ‘Yard’.  As noted this latter is a facility for depositing waste that can be recycled, in particular metal.  Green waste, not plot composted, must be taken to the ‘Dump’ at the top of the site. All other waste must be removed from the site.  As usual occasion bonfires will be used to dispose of solid burnable waste.

Additional ‘Stihl’ tools and a wheeled strimmer have been purchased for the site.


  1. Site Manager’s report Martin Spatcher reported that once again March winds have damaged and destroyed greenhouses. Plot holders are reminded to maintain all structures and fix glass and doors securely.

As the weather in February was fairly mild, the first Weed Notices were issued in March, mainly for untidy plots and rubbish.  April Weed Notices will be issued in the week commencing 9th April. A lot of grass needs cutting.

Over the winter, the old iron water pipe along the main path was replaced with two plastic pipes.  Thanks are due to all those who helped.

On April 2nd, the water was turned back on, unfortunately, we have an underground leak, so water to the bottom end of the site will be switched off until the plumber comes on April 9th.

Sunday, April 14th will be a workday, plot holders are asked to try and attend.

On Sunday, April 21st (Easter Day) there will be an Open Day planning meeting at 11 am.

All dates and times are shown on the wall planner in the Clubhouse and on the website calendar.

 Appointment of Auditors As noted in the Treasurer’s report, Anthony Chase and Richard Midenhall are willing to continue to serve as our Auditors for 2020

 11 Motions:

Proposed by the retiring committee.

MOTION ONE:   2% increase in rents 2020

A query was made as to the need for the increase.

The treasurer responded that the increase is necessary to maintain the level of the account.

The vote was 39 in favor, 1 against. The motion was passed.



“The Association may at any time be dissolved by the consent of a two-thirds majority of members in attendance at an AGM or EGM “

“The Association may amalgamate with, or transfer its assets and engagements to

– Another registered society

– To a company

– To a Co-operative Society OR

– Covert to a company

by the consent of a two-thirds majority of members in attendance at an AGM

or EGM”

Subject to the same restriction on the distribution of profits set out in our lease with the London Borough of Bromley” and with a separate statement setting out:

-The reasons for the proposal:

– What alternative proposals have been considered and their viability:

– A report from reputable advisors recommending support for the proposal rather than any alternative proposal.

12   Election of Management Committee:

No election was necessary as the following four candidates were unopposed. Korehan Dora Chairman, Reg Wickings Treasurer, Martin Spatcher, and Antoni Pogorleski Committee Members.

KD reported that Les Bateson has decided to step down from the Committee. KD thanked him for his contribution and dedication to the work of the committee and his service to the site.

 13 AOB Workday. A query as to whether Saturday could be made an alternative to Sunday for the workday. KD responded that while it is currently not possible to arrange a supervised workday on Saturdays, members are welcome to come at any time, as a list of tasks is always available on the clubhouse notice board.

Pam Dowling rose to thank the KHLA committee and members for their contribution to Drumbeat. The donation has been used to replace their shed on the site, providing an opportunity for the youngsters to gain practical skills, working with the tools needed for the construction.

KD reminded the meeting that it is helpful for the Committee to have the number of volunteers attending on Work Day and that food is always provided.

The meeting closed at 12.15

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Sunday 8th April 2018 at 10.00 a.m.

Unfortunately, the meeting was inquorate at 10.00 and was closed.

There being more than 25 present an EGM was convened commencing at 10.15 a.m.

IN ATTENDANCE: *Attendees and Apologies removed from Internet copy for reasons of privacy. Full copy available to plot holders on request.

Apologies; were received from *

The chair welcomed those attending the meeting and requested a moment’s silence to mark missing friends. He expressed his appreciation for his re-election as Chair of the Association for the second year. Having promised to be fair and transparent, he hoped that he had fulfilled that commitment.

He drew attention to the Tuesday Works Group, and whilst he was appreciative of their efforts, he noted regretfully that it was, as always, the “usual suspects’ who volunteered for workdays.  He reminded members that these took place on every second Sunday in each month.

Purchases during the year included a Mountfield Lawn Tractor, as well as two Honda Lawnmowers, and various STIHL accessories.

The cold weather during March had resulted in burst pipes in the clubhouse, causing inconvenience, and the roof is in need of repair. The polytunnel has been re-covered (for the second time), and he thanked the volunteers who worked on this project. Tree surgeons had been to make the site safe, following the collapse of trees following recent heavy winds. In spite of the absence of the commercial waste bin by the main gate, an accumulation of rubbish had occurred, which has now been removed, and the area fenced in. Thanks were due to Saeed and Richard for this work. He remarked on the anomaly of the three missed meetings rule, as agreed at the 2017 AGM, and the submission of two of the names on the ballot paper.

The chair offered thanks for their services to the Secretary/Treasurer, all members of the retiring committee, and those members who keep our movement active.

He hoped to see the terms of the new lease in the near future, and there is a possibility that the KHLGA may be required to become a legal organization, possibly a charity. It was expected that the new lease, due in three and a half years’ time, would be for 18 years from this time.

Two Tellers were nominated and AGREED… Antoni Pogorleski 32a and John Simmons 55a

  • Minutes of the meeting held Sunday 2nd April 2017, was AGREED to be a correct record of the proceedings.
  • Matters arising from the Minutes – There were no matters arising from the Minutes.
  • Auditors’ report on accounts

Heather stood to report that she felt Reg had tackled the Secretary’s role and treasurer’s role quite remarkably.  There had been some questions concerning Account No. 1 and Account No. 2, but it is clear that the two accounts refer to monies that belong to Bromley, and which to KHLGA.

She was happy to accept the Accounts.

  • Secretary’s report: There being no person with responsibility for this position, there was no report.
  • Treasurer’s report:

Our assets at the beginning of the year totaled £21,559 and £20,935 by the close of the year. The Association’s net worth was £19,305. The deficit for the year was £624.63.

In thanking the Auditors for their services, he was aware that Heather Mallinder had stood as a candidate for election to the Management Committee, which would require that another member would be needed as Auditor.

The Open Days had contributed largely towards the success of our year, with a combined income of £4,600, and donations have been made to ALD and Signal Lewisham, of £190 each. Thanks were due to all the volunteers who had worked on both events.

The shop had made a surplus of £410, representing a profit margin of 10%, Managed by John Wetherell, who would be making his own report. Site maintenance costs amounted to £4,948.81, which would have been higher without the support of the members who volunteered their time and labor. Tree works cost £1,210, a ride-on mower £1,899, skip hire for clearing the rubbish by the main gate cost £395.

Water rates are still contentious. Castle Water has taken over from Thames Water and invoiced us for £4,353.81. Apparently, other Bromley allotments have suffered similar problems. A credit for £3,200 has been offered, but Treasurer is attempting to obtain a return of funds.

There was a question from the floor, whether we attempted to buy our equipment locally, support local suppliers, buying British. It was difficult to achieve this policy, and HONDA was mentioned as one of our suppliers, as we usually try to purchase four cheaper mowers every year. This, apparently, was more economical than more expensive machines and maintenance costs.

The report was accepted.

SHOP REPORT – John Wetherell stood to give the report in April of this year. He reported that the audited accounts for the ending December 31, 2017, showed a surplus of £410 achieved from sales of £2,971. The Association shop bank account at HSBC at the beginning of January was £1,264 and during the year a transfer to the general association account of £6,907 had been made.

A monthly statement was presented to each committee meeting, and sales during the first three months of 2018 amounted to £432. There was a permanent float of £30 in the shop. Thanks were due to Korehand, Les, and Trevor, and also to Eddie for the Compost trip from Purley.

Machine Hire: fees collected to 31st December 2017 were £715, fuel costs £205, repairs and renewals £191. This shows a recorded audited surplus for the year of £323. £300 passed to Treasurer, leaving cash in hand £23.

This report was accepted with acclamation.

    • Site Management report

Martin stood to advise that the inclement weather had resulted in some damage and loose rubbish around the site, but that there would be a site inspection within a month of the meeting. Committee members were not exempt from receiving “weed” notices, and all members are required to keep the grass path nearest to the clubhouse cut and in a good condition.

Whilst it seems that some members considered the notices authoritarian, he sought suggestions for improving the system.

Members of the Tuesday group were thanked for their contribution in assisting in clearing the yard by the gate, and special mention to Rosemary and Les for creating a path through the Green Waste area.

The water pipes system is undergoing a renewal of metal with plastic piping. Work is still needed to rebuild or re-site the water meter chamber next to the top gate.

There had been an incident of a tick bite, resulting in Lymes Disease. Notices about Tick’s and Lymes Disease symptoms are posted on the notices, and a tick remover is hung on the Clubhouse notice board. Treatment with antibiotics as soon as possible is recommended.

Hand dryers and light switches were refurbished in toilets by David Pipe, and the Tuesday group was involved in the maintenance of the driveway.

The machine room door has a notice containing details of machine hire, and keys lost and found can be stored in the key box (Code 1066) on the office door. Emergency contact numbers for committee members are also inside this box.

Martin reminded members that the following Sunday was a designated “workday”, the Sunday afterward would be an Open Day Planning session, and that the spring open day was scheduled to be May 20th.

Discussion from the floor including the proposition that lists of specific projects requiring voluntary help might be listed or circulated so that members might be able to volunteer to undertake these on days other than designated Sundays. The Committee has agreed to take this idea on board.  Members felt that if there was rubbish around the site, it was common sense to clear it up.

The report was accepted.


  • Appointment of Auditors -Anthony Chase was willing to stand for the following year. Following item 12 it may be required to appoint another Auditor.

11  Pam Dowling presentation on the work of Drumbeat.

Students are all on the Autistic Spectrum. Coming to the allotment gives them the opportunity to take responsibility of maintaining their plot, planting, growing, watering, weeding, buying in the shop and finally picking their produce. All produce is taken back to school and sold to members of staff. The monies collected are used first and foremost to pay our plot rent. Then we need to buy seeds, soil, compost, weed covering etc. usually from the shop if John has been able to open.

During the session the students also get to know other plot holders. They are encouraged to greet everyone they see. Speaking to others helps enormously with their social skills.

The students have been supported by various plot holders who have helped to put up a shed, show us how to prune vines, giving us advice, using the mowers etc. One plot holder, Brendan has taken Dumbeat under his wing and helped to design our beds. The session ends with, most importantly, tea and biscuits in the Clubhouse. Thursday is the morning the students are at KHLGA so please do come and see us on plots 89b and 90b or have a cuppa with us.

Alexandra School visit KHLGA twice a year usually in June and October. The visits are usually on a Tuesday and there are two different classes. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. On these visits we ask anyone who can volunteer their time to come for 10.00am and/or 1.30pm for about 1 ½ hours. The children come with teachers and other support. We take them on a walk around the site looking at what is growing. We look in compost bins. We look at the bees. We give them ideas of things to watch for. John shows him his wonderful nature pond and the creatures that live in it. The children are given a short talk about the site and also they are given ‘rules’ on how the behave on site and respect people’s plots. These visits are very exciting and end with tea, drink and biscuits. If you can help out please look on the notice board in the Clubhouse for dates.

This report was received.


 MOTION ONE:   2% increase in rents 2019 – Proposed by the retiring committee

There was some discussion concerning the necessity and amount of this proposal.  An amendment to limit the increase to 1% was lost by 12 votes to 20.

Final voting: in favour of the motion: 28, against, 2. The motion was carried.

Motions from Members

MOTION/S TWO: There are several motions/comments/suggestions for action relating to the Cause 4 change agreed at the last AGM. It is suggested that they may be dealt with in the following order.

 Action on existing clause

The two people starred on the Ballot Paper should be removed as they are NOT ELIGIBLE TO STAND FOR ELECTION under the current rules.

Proposed  Sophie Carrington 43b 44b – Seconded by John Griffiths –

This motion was withdrawn. The members named withdrew from the election.

Amend the clause to

“That any member of the management committee missing THREE meetings in the course of the year stand down, and not be eligible to stand for election the following year – the Chairman to have the discretion to allow or discount absence in extenuating circumstances.

An amendment to delete “Chairman” and insert ” Committee”, was AGREED – 34 in favour,

Proposed  Reg Wickings 36b 37b  Seconded  Korehan Dora 39


If this is agreed

It is further proposed that it be applied retroactively to the changes made at the last AGM.

Proposed Reg Wickings 36b 37b Seconded Korehan Dora 39, this motion was withdrawn.

 Remove that part of clause 4 and replace with

To allow the committee by majority vote to ask a committee member to leave if it felt they were not making any contribution. Proposed June Allart 64a Seconded Jane Wright 63a

The voting for this motion was 0 members in favour, a majority were against, the motion therefore fell.


MOTION THREE: To abolish machine hire charges and to instead to install a box for voluntary contributions for fuel

Proposed Antoni Pogorleski32a Seconded John Simmons 55a

The voting for this motion was 2, with the majority against. The motion, therefore, fell.

MOTION FOUR: Any plot holder or committee member shall not be allowed to earn money for self-gain for doing any work on the allotment site

Proposed Dave Allart 68b Seconded Korehan Dora 39

This motion was voted for 32, against 1. The motion was carried.

Note: It is likely that there will be a requirement for KHLGA to register as a legal entity in order to sign the new lease with Bromley. One option could be registering as a Charity, in which case committee members or trustees would not be able to financially benefit from our activities.

MOTION FIVE:  The present system of voting on motions is on the day of the AGM, this does not cater to those members that are unable to attend the meeting, in reality, the clubhouse would not be able to accommodate the majority plot holders at KHLG.
I propose that all future motions are presented and circulated to plot holders in advance of the AGM for their votes, this would enable votes from a much larger audience and a more accurate representation of association members.

Proposed Saeed Kanuga  31b Seconded  Beverley Kanuga 32b

There was considerable discussion, voting was in favour 5, against 26, the motion therefore fell.

  • Election of Management Committee:

Although nine names had appeared on the ballot paper, two had been discounted, (see Minute 10 vb of 2017 AGM) and the remaining seven therefore elected.

Heather Mallinder, John Sissons, John Weatherell, Les Bateson, Martin Spatcher, Nick Whiteley, Saeed Kanuga.

Officers: Chairman Korehan Dora, Secretary Vince Turner, and Treasurer Reg Wickings.

At this point in the meeting, it was proposed that the question of the second Auditor be referred back to the Committee, but Richard Mildenhall put up his hand to volunteer for this post and was ACCEPTED.

  • AOB – There was no AOB
    • Next, AGM will take place on Sunday the 31st of March 2019

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[gview file=””]Kent House Leisure Gardens AGM MINUT